
en.Salon values education and training of their assistants and future stylists and aims to not only build a strong foundation in hair craftsmanship, but a workplace that encourages professional and personal development through mutual respect and support.


Please notify us of cancelation 48 hours prior to the appointment


en.Salon is committed to providing careful, tailored consultation that considers the unique needs of each customer. Our hair craftsmanship process begins by fully understanding your hair composition such as weight, thickness, texture, and color.


en.Salon develops formulas to each client’s desires, based off on their hair health. Carrying well known brands and diverse products from permanent to semi-permanent products. To ensure any requests are met, while keeping your hair health in mind.


Masters in two perming techniques, traditional cold perm & Digital perms. Requires consultation and appointment;  to ensure all measures are taken into consideration to minimize damage. Both have dramatic outcomes and different processes but are decided based on the clients needs.  

Japanese Hair Straightening

only for untreated hair;  including color and perms/straightening, excluding touch ups. Japanese hair straightening starts from the core out, resulting in a longer life span. However, an appointment is needed for consultation beforehand. 


At en.Salon our stylists care deeply about the wellbeing of our clients. Consultations are one of the ways we ensure the protection of your hair health, and help to match your new look to your lifestyle. With thorough conversation about your desired style, personal limitations and preferences, we strive to create the look that makes you feel like the best version of yourself.

Japanese Hair Straightening Process

About the chemicals we use:

en.Salon cares about protecting your hair. We use chemicals that minimize the burden on your hair. For pre-treatment we apply Olaplex and Milbon PPT (polypeptide) and for straightening we choose from a range of products including Milbon’s Liscio and Shinbi’s Lucicare chemicals, all developed in Japan to fit your personal hair needs and to ensure safety and excellence.


Step 1: Make an initial consultation appointment

Hair straightening process is a complicated and lengthy process, therefore, we require all new customers to make an appointment for a brief initial consultation. These appointments usually last about 5 minutes. This must be done in person at the salon for the stylist to assess your hair quality and make appropriate price and time estimates.

Please note the following when considering this process:

  • The hair straightening process usually takes 3 to 5 hours but it can sometimes take less or longer. Please keep this in mind when making an appointment.
  • Hair straightening can not be done on bleached hair. We can not take customers for this process if they currently have bleached hair or recently have gotten their hair bleached. However, bleaching AFTER straightening is possible.
  • It is possible to perform Japanese straightening on non-bleach dyed hair.
Step 2: At your appointment

Stage 1: Pre-treatment

We will first pre-treat your hair using treatment solution rich in protein and nutritional supplements to minimize chemical damage. Note: If you come to your appointment after you have washed your hair (shampoo and conditioner) we can start at this step; however, we can also wash at the salon. Shampoo will be extra cost ($10).

Stage 2: Chemical application (straight perm solution)

Stylists will assess the client’s hair condition to prepare the right mixture and dosage of the straight perm solution that will be applied. If certain parts of the hair are already straightened the stylist will add a protective lotion on that area which will prevent the solution from penetrating and damaging the hair. The hair is left sitting to let the hair strands deeply absorb the chemicals. (10-30 minutes)

Stage 3: Washing out the chemical

The hair is washed and rinsed thoroughly once the chemicals have seeped into the hair. Areas where the cuticles have opened will be treated with pre-treatment solution again, and for areas that are damaged will be treated with protective solution to prevent further damage.

Stage 4: Straightening with iron

After the hair has been dried, the stylist will straighten the hair using an iron. This process will set the hair into its straight form and shape. Irons will not be used for clients who wish to not have extremely straight hair.

Stage 5: Chemical application (neutralizer)

After straightening, the neutralizer will be applied to balance the pH level of your hair. (10 minutes)

Stage 6: Rinsing the neutralizer

The hair is once again rinsed off and another round of treatment conditioner will be applied to replenish protein and supplements.

Stage 7: Blow drying

After the hair has been rinsed and treated, the client’s hair will be gently blow dried.

Stage 8: Finishing iron

The hair is ironed once again as a finishing touch for a completely straight look. (Note: To maintain a shiny straight look, however, daily flat ironing is highly recommended.)


Digital Perm

The process for digital perm is similar to the Japanese hair straightening process described above, including initial in-person consultation (Step 1 above). Below are a few things to note that is different for digital perm:

  • Hair cut prior to perm: We will cut your hair before the process to adjust the volume and shape that complements the digital perm.
  • It will follow stages 1 thru 3 above (pre-treatment, chemical application, washing out the chemical). At stage 4 we will curl your hair instead, followed by stages 5 thru 7 above (chemical application, rinsing the neutralizer, blow drying).
  • The final stage will include curling and styling advice.

Note: The best results of digital perm can be seen in clients with healthy coarse hair.

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                        10:00AM – 7:00PM                               (Wednesday close at 6:00PM)


Brington Road & Cypress St

*We don’t have customer parking and encourage you to find street parking. Meter parking on Cypress St or free 2 hours street parking if no restriction sign.